Separated transcriptomes of male gametophyte and tapetum in rice: validity of a laser microdissection (LM) microarray (Special issue articles: Plant reproduction)
- LOH Analyses for Biological Effects of Space Radiation : Human Cell Culture in "Kibo" of International Space Station
- The First Life Science Experiments in ISS : Reports of "Rad Gene"-Space Radiation Effects on Human Cultured Cells-
- C. elegans RNAi space experiment (CERISE) in Japanese Experiment Module KIBO
- Autotropism under Microgravity Conditions Simulated by a Three-Dimensional Clinostat
- Modification of Cell Wall Architecture in Gramineous Plants under Altered Gravity Conditions
- Role of the Cell Wall-Sustaining System in Gravity Resistance in Plants
- Growth and Cell Wall Properties in Hypocotyls of Arabidopsis tua6 Mutant under Microgravity Conditions in Space
- The Transcript Level of Katanin Gene is Increased Transiently in Response to Changes in Gravitational Conditions in Azuki Bean Epicotyls
- 重力によるアズキ上胚軸の表層微小管の配向変化時に起こるγ-チューブリン複合体遺伝子レベルの一過的な増加
- The Outline and Significance of the Resist Wall Experiment : Role of Microtubule-Membrane-Cell Wall Continuum in Gravity Resistance in Plants
- Effects of gravity on growth phenotype in MAPs mutants of Arabidopsis
- Successive changes in the structure and metabolism of cell wall polysaccharides along azuki bean epicotyls
- Alteration of molecular size of xyloglucans in cell walls of azuki bean epicotyls
- Effects of Locally Targeted Heavy-ion and Laser Microbeam on Root Hydrotropism in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Preparation and Outline of Space-Based Studies on Gravity Responses and Cell Wall Formation in Plants
- Germination and Growth Test in Four Strains of Arabidopsis thaliana in the Reference Model of European Modular Cultivation System
- JAXA Space Plant Research on the ISS with European Modular Cultivation System
- Reverse Genetic Approach to Exploring Genes Responsible for Cell-Wall Dynamics in Supporting Tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana under Microgravity Conditions
- p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric acidはキュウリの芽ばえの重力に応答したペグ形成のためのオーキシン応答を阻害する
- Characteristics of cell division and cell elongation that confer deep-seeding tolerance in wheat cultivar Hong Mang Mai
- 重力によって制御される偏差的なオーキシン極性移動は黄化エンドウ芽生え上胚軸の重力応答反応を制御する--3次元クリノスタット上での擬似微小重力環境および重力応答突然変異体,ageotropumエンドウを用いた解析
- Morphogenesis and auxin polar transport of etiolated epicotyls of an ageotropic pea mutant, ageotropum
- Requirement of transport and accumulation of auxin for a negative graviresponse in the early growth stage of etiolated pea epicotyls
- Requirement for the Gravity-Controlled Transport of Auxin for a Negative Gravitropic Response of Epicotyls in the Early Growth Stage of Etiolated Pea Seedlings
- Separated Transcriptomes of Male Gametophyte and Tapetum in Rice : Validity of a Laser Microdissection (LM) Microarray
- Various Spatiotemporal Expression Profiles of Anther-Expressed Genes in Rice
- The Gravity-Regulated Growth of Axillary Buds is Mediated by a Mechanism Different from Decapitation-Induced Release
- Separated transcriptomes of male gametophyte and tapetum in rice: validity of a laser microdissection (LM) microarray (Special issue articles: Plant reproduction)