なぜ4次元か?--相対論と時空 (特集 「時空」への問いかけ--隠れた次元のミステリー)
小玉 英雄
Kek Tsukuba Jpn
Department of Physics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Kyoto University
IPNS, KEK and the Graduate University of Advanced Studies
Department of Physics, Osaka University : Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Theory Center, Institute of Particles and Nuclear Studies, KEK
Yakawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Theory Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK:Department of Particles and Nuclear Physics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Graduate University for Advanced Studies:Theory Center, KEK
- Analytic Formulae for the Off-Center CMB Anisotropy in a General Spherically Symmetric Universe(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Baryogenesis through Nonequilibrium Processes in the Inflationary Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- なぜ4次元か?--相対論と時空 (特集 「時空」への問いかけ--隠れた次元のミステリー)
- 一般相対論と幾何学 (特集 物理イメージと数式表現--発想と思考の補助線をたどる)
- Dynamical Evolution of Isothermal Density Perturbations in the Early Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Renormalization-Group Theory on Intermittent Chaos in Relation to Its Universality : Progress Letters
- Analytical approach to critical phenomena for dynamical properties of type-I intermittent chaos
- Master Equations for Perturbations of Generalised Static Black Holes with Charge in Higher Dimensions
- Stability of Higher-Dimensional Schwarzschild Black Holes(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- A Master Equation for Gravitational Perturbations of Maximally Symmetric Black Holes in Higher Dimensions(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- The Gravitational Lensing Effect on the CMB Polarisation Anisotropy in the Λ-LTB Model(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- 25aXK-5 一般相対性理論と量子論(宇宙線・宇宙物理,素粒子論合同シンポジウム 主題 : 一般相対性理論の誕生・発展・将来の展開,宇宙線・宇宙物理)
- Superradiance and Instability of Black Holes(VIII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics (ICGA8))
- Abundance of Primordial Holes Produced by Cosmological First-Order Phase Transition
- Generation of Cosmological Perturbations by a First-Order Phase Transition
- Fate of Wormholes Created by First-Order Phase Transition in the Early Universe
- Repulsons in the Myers-Perry Family(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Time-Dependent Supersymmetric Solutions in M-Theory and the Compactification-Decompactification Transition(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- 時空の対称性 (特集 対称性とは何か--物理法則におけるその意味と本質に迫る)
- 量子重力理論--検証に向けた新たな展開 (特集 量子重力理論最前線--弦・ブレーン・ループが広げる新地平)
- Perturbative Uniqueness of Black Holes near the Static Limit in All Dimensions(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- 量子宇宙論の盛衰 (特集 素粒子的宇宙論の新展開--ミクロとマクロの新パラダイムへ)
- Phase Space of Compact Bianchi Models with Fluid
- スピンネットワーク理論 (特集 スピンはさらにめぐる--量子力学の誕生から現代物理まで)
- Canonical Structure of Locally Homogeneous Systems on Compact Closed 3-Manifolds of Types E^3, Nil and Sol
- Evolution of Cosmological Perturbations in a Stage Dominated by an Oscillatory Scalar Field : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Dynamics of Totally Constrained Systems. I : Classical Theory : General and Mathematical Physics
- New Canonical Formulation of the Einstein Theory : Progress Letters
- 宇宙のダ-クマタ--6-ダ-クマタ-の候補者たち-1-
- 宇宙のダ-クマタ--7-ダ-クマタ-の候補者たち-2-
- 宇宙のダ-クマタ--3-銀河系外におけるダ-クマタ-
- 宇宙のダ-クマタ--1-ダ-クマタ-の発見
- Perturbations and Stability of Static Black Holes in Higher Dimensions(Chapter 6,Higher Dimensional Black Holes)
- On the Waterfall Behavior in Hybrid Inflation(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Evolution of Cosmological Perturbations during Reheating : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Vacuum Branes in D-Dimensional Static Spacetimes with Spatial Symmetry IO(D-2), O(D-1) or O_+(D-2, 1)(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Generation and Evolution of the Density Fluctuation in the Evolving Universe. I : The Effect of Weak Transient Phenomena : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Statistical Effect of Interactions on Particle Creation in Expanding Universe
- Specialization of Ashtekar's Formalism to Bianchi Cosmology : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Rigidity Theorems in the Braneworld Model
- On the Particle-Defining Modes for a Free Neutral Scalar Field in Spatially Homogeneous and Isotropic Universes
- Evaporation of a Bubble Created by the Cosmological First-Order Phase Transition
- Generation and Evolution of the Density Fluctuation in the Evolving Universe. II : The Radiation-Dust Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Cosmological Perturbation Theory
- Inevitability of a Naked Singularity Associated with the Black Hole Evaporation
- Baryogenesis in the Inflationary Universe
- Dynamics of Totally Constrained Systems.II : Quantum Theory : General and Mathematical Physics
- 宇宙のダ-クマタ--2-我々の銀河に付随したダ-クマタ-
- Bosenova Collapse of Axion Cloud around a Rotating Black Hole(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Time-Dependent Supersymmetric Solutions in M-Theory and the Compactification-Decompactification Transition
- Perturbative Uniqueness of Black Holes near the Static Limit in All Dimensions
- Baryogenesis through Nonequilibrium Processes in the Inflationary Universe
- 宇宙のエントロピ-の起源 (エントロピ-と量子力学)
- 重力の遮閉 (不可能)
- インフレ-ションモデルの現状 (宇宙の創成)
- Bosenova Collapse of Axion Cloud around a Rotating Black Hole