Generation of Cosmological Perturbations by a First-Order Phase Transition
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1982-11-25
Sasaki Misao
Research Institute For Fundamental Physics Kyoto University
SATO Katsuhiko
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Kodama Hideo
Department Of Physics Osaka University:department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kodama Hideo
Department Of Particle And Nuclear Physics Graduate University For Advanced Studies:theory Center Ke
Sato Katsuhiko
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Sato Katsuhiko
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Graduate University for Advanced Studies:Theory Center, KEK
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- Baryogenesis through Nonequilibrium Processes in the Inflationary Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Statistical Analysis of the Neutrino Burst from SN1987A
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- Neutrino Burst from Supernovae and the Implications for Neutrino Oscillation Parameters
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- Dynamical Evolution of Isothermal Density Perturbations in the Early Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
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- Generation of Growing Modes in Cosmological Density Fluctuations by Black Hole Evaporation
- On the Particle-Defining Modes for a Free Neutral Scalar Field in Spatially Homogeneous and Isotropic Universes
- Evaporation of a Bubble Created by the Cosmological First-Order Phase Transition
- Generation and Evolution of the Density Fluctuation in the Evolving Universe. II : The Radiation-Dust Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Conserved Energy Flux for the Spherically Symmetric System and the Backreaction Problem in the Black Hole Evaporation
- On the Implementability of the Bogoliubov Transformation in Spatially Homogeneous and Isotropic Universes
- Cosmological Perturbation Theory
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- Baryogenesis in the Inflationary Universe
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- Effects of General Relativity on the Mass Ejection of Neutrino-Trapping Supernovae : Astrophysics and Relativity
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- Nuclei in Neutrino-Degenerate Dense Matter. II : Hot Case
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- Constraints on Baryon and Lepton Number Asymmetries of the Early Universe from Primordial Nucleosynthesis
- Analysis of a Statistical Stick-Slip Model
- Constraints on Lifetime and Mass of Heavy Lepton Neutrinos Imposed by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
- The Gravitational Lensing Effect on the CMB Polarisation Anisotropy in the Λ-LTB Model
- Gravitational Radiation from a Kerr Black Hole. I : Formulation and a Method for Numerical Analysis
- Effects of Neutrino Oscillation on Supernova Neutrino : Inverted Mass Hierarchy
- Annihilation and Gravitational Clumping of Monopoles in the Early Universe
- Neutron Diffusion and Nucleosynthesis in the Inhomogeneous Universe
- Implications of the Discovery of Sub-Millisecond Pulsar in SN1987A : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Nuclei in Netrino-Degenerate Dense Matter. I : Cold Case
- Magnetorotational Collapse of Population III Stars
- Nucleosynthesis in the Inhomogeneous Universe and Effects of Neutron Diffusion
- Astrophysical Constraints on the Axion Mass and the Number of Quark Flavors
- Production of Magnetized Black Holes and Wormholes by First-Order Phase Transition in the Early Universe
- Gauge-Invariant Scalar Perturbations in the New Inflationary Universe
- Large Scale Quantum Fluctuations in the Inflationary Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis and Heavy Element Production from Inhomogeneous Big Bang Nucleosynthesis(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Cosmological Constraints on the Mass and the Number of Heavy Lepton Neutrinos
- Extremely Neutron Rich Nuclei in Neutron Stars and"Inverse r-process" (中性子星の構造と進化(研究会報告))
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