- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of light lower limbs training on physical function for preventing falls. Thirty‐five elderly women, of which twenty‐four (training group) participated in the training program and an other eleven as control (non‐training group) did not, were followed up for six months. The training program consisted of radio gymnastics and about 15 minutes of simple raising and lowering movement of the lower limbs. The training group participated in the program five days a week. Quadriceps femoris knee extension strength (quadriceps strength) and walking speed of five meters (walking speed) were improved after six months but not after three months respectively. For frequencies of standing up from a chair for ten seconds as a dependent variable, walking speed and one foot standing time with opened eyes were significant independent variables but quadriceps strength was not. These results demonstrate that even the present lower limbs training program which was very light was effective in the improvement of muscular strength of lower limbs and walking speed for frail elderly women.
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