北海道上部白亜系産フサシダ科の胞子葉小羽片石化化石(2)Paralygodium yezoense gen. et sp. nov.
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- 北海道上部白亜系産フサシダ科の胞子葉小羽片石化化石(2)Paralygodium yezoense gen. et sp. nov.
- 北海道上部白亜系産フサシダ科の胞子葉小羽片石化化石(1)Schizaeopteris
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- 北日本及びサハリン白亜紀産石化植物-1-北海道上部白亜紀産石化植物-1-〔英文〕
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- Protomonimia kasai-nakajhongii gen.et sp.nov.--a Permineralized Magnolialean Fructification from the Mid-Cretaceous of Japan
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- Structure and Affinities of the Petrified Plants from the Cretaceous of Nurthern Japan and Saghalien. XII. Obirastrobus gen. nov., Petrified Pinaceous Cones from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido
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