Glyptostrobus rubenosawaensis sp. nov., a new permineralized conifer species from the Middle Miocene, Central Hokkaido, Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
Anatomically well preserved fertile and vegetative remains of Glyptostrobus rubenosawaensis sp. nov. (Coniferae-Taxodiaceae) have been recovered from silicified lacustrine deposits of the late Middle Miocene Shimokawa Group near Shimokawa Town, Kamikawa district, Central Hokkaido. Vegetative remains include shoots bearing polymorphic leaves. Fertile remains include seed and pollen cones. The fossil remains closely resemble living Glyptostrobus pensilis (D. Don) K. Koch in gross morphology, but differ in possessing larger cones and a prominent abaxial projection of the bract. Previous reports of fossil Glyptostrobus were limited to compression floras. This report is the first to use permineralized remains to reconstruct fossil Glyptostrobus and document the internal anatomical features of the genus to allow meaningful comparison with the living representative, G. pensilis. Abundant remains of Glyptostrobus indicate wetland as the paleoecological setting, based on the cooccurrence of wetland taxa such as Decodon (Lythraceae), Osmunda and Alnus, and mountainous taxa such as Picea and Tsuga, and using permineralized plant fossils. We can reconstruct an ecological setting in a lake.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
- 1997-06-30
朝川 毅守
Matsumoto Midori
Department Of Biosciences And Informatics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University
Nishida M
Research Institute Of Evolutionary Biology
Laboratory of Phylogenetic Botany, Faculty of Science, Chiba University
Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology
Faculty of Science, Chuo University
Matsumoto Midori
Department Of Anesthesia Federation Of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations Tac
Ohsawa Takeshi
Laboratory Of Phylogenetic Botany Faculty Of Science Chiba University
西田 治文
Nishida Harufumi
Faculty Of Science And Engineering Chuo University
Asakawa Ohsawa
Laboratory of Phylogenetic Botany, Faculty of Science, Chiba University
Matsumoto Midori
Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Chiba University
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