- 術後患者の早期離床を促す人間工学的サポート
- 自動車用シートに座ったときの局所的な皮膚温の変化が快適感に及ぼす影響について : 一般口演 : 生理人類学会第31回大会
- 男女長距離選手における身体組成と最大酸素摂取量,最大酸素負債量および競技水準との関係 : 生理人類学会第32回大会
- 296.学童期における身体組成、骨強度および体力とその関連(【形態・加齢・性差】)
- 水中体重法による日本人児童・生徒(10-18歳)の身体密度について
- 日本人成人女子の皮下脂肪厚3部位和 (上腕部, 肩甲骨下部及び腹部) と年齢からの身体密度の推定式の検討
- 成人男女健常者における体脂肪率(%Fat)とWaist/Hip比(WHR)の関係の性差
- ニューラルネットワークを用いた生理的指標による疲労感の推定
- 香りが脳波に及ぼす影響
- 異なる作業パターンおよび温熱負荷に対する前腕の局所筋負担
- 掌握作業と温熱負荷が心拍変動に及ぼす影響
- 熱放射暴露における顔面送風冷却の効果 : 一般口演 : 生理人類学会第31回大会
- 自動車用シートの生理的評価 : 一般口演 : 生理人類学会第31回大会
- ヒトは照明の色によってどのような影響を受けるのか? : 一般口演 : 生理人類学会第31回大会
- Body Composition and Physical Fitness of Female Volleyball and Basketball Players of the Japan Inter-high School Championship Teams
- L-13 Age-Related-Pattern of Body Composition for Japanese 288 Men and 552 Women (Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 携行式脳波記録装置を用いた際の基準夜睡眠の考え方 : 生理人類学会第32回大会
- Changes in Body Shape of Young Individuals from the Aspect of Adult Physique Model by Factor Analysis
- Characteristics of Body Shape of Female Athletes Based on Factor Analysis
- Body Volume and its Estimation for Male and Female Athletes
- Aging Changes in Body Volume and its Estimation for Japanese Males and Females, Aged 10 to 60
- Effects of Inhalation of Essential Oils on EEG Activity and Sensory Evaluation
- Estimation of Thermal Sensation during Varied Air Temperature Conditions
- An Ergonomic Evaluation of Cooking Range Switch
- Evaluation of the Motion of Standing Up from Different Kinds of Sittting Postures
- The effects of type and difficulty of mental task on psyco-physiological responses
- The effects of the fluctuations in air velocity and temperature on human comfort and physiological functions
- Effects of Cooling Portions of the Head on Human Thermoregulatory Response
- Effects of Timed Bright Light Exposure on the Arousal Level during Simulated Nightwork
- 夜勤対策を考慮した夜間高照度光照射の効果に関する文献的考察
- Fundamental Study on the Size and Inter-Key Spacing of Numeric Keys for Touch Screen
- Effects of Time Stress on Psychophysiological Responses during Data Entry Tasks
- The Effect of Dual Task Difficulties on Human Performances
- Upper Limb Robot to Estimate Biomechanical Shoulder Mechanism and Movement
- Effects of posture on forearm blood flow during local muscular work in a hot environment
- Circulatory Regulation during Supine and Sitting Intermittent Isometric Handgrip in a Hot Environment
- Different Behavior of Forearm Blood Flow during Intermittent Isometric Handgrip in a Thermo-neutral and a Hot Environment
- Relationships between Individual Differences of the Strategy and Subjective Mental Workload
- Identification of the relationship between physiological responses and perceived fatigue with neural network
- The effects of stimulus variation on CNV
- Localized Muscle Fatigue in the Porearm during Continuous and Intermittent Muscle Contraction
- The Effects of Bright Light Exposure on Humans
- Comparative Study on the Muscular Load of the Arms Using Hair Driers
- Classification of Body Shape of Male Athletes by Factor Analysis
- 1B-1-2 Effect of inhalation of essential oils on human body : 2nd. report (Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1B-1-1 Effect of inhalation of essential oils on human body : 1st. report (Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Performance with different numeral key layouts
- The arousal response in human to the acoustic stimulus
- An Ergonomic Evaluation of Cosmetic Compacts
- The effect of fluctuations in various sounds on human
- The effect of the cooling vest on temperature regulation under hot environments
- 精神疲労およびストレスが生体へ及ぼす影響 : 生理人類学会第32回大会
- A Ergonomical Study of the Laundry Detergent Bottle
- Comparative Studies on Temperature Regulation Responses to different temperature environment between Japanese and Chinese Taiwanese
- The Influences of postural changes on the human body during cycling an uphill road
- Evaluation of local muscular load while using hand tool by means of APD Analysis
- Experimental Construction of a CAD-MANNEQUIN Making It Possible to Simulate the Load of the Muscle. During the Postual Charges of the Arm
- Non-Heat Effects of Ceramic-Coated Clothing on Therrnoregulatory Responses of Human
- The Influence of Colored Lighting on Amenity
- 終夜睡眠測定時の電極装着による習熟効果について : 生理人類学会第27回大会
- Learning Characteristics in Hierarchlcal Computer Menus With Different Probability of Selection
- Effects of Ceramic・Coated Clothing on Thermoregulatory Responses of Human in moderate and hot environments
- Individual Differences of Physiological Responses on Mental Workload
- A Study on the Voluntary Rhythm
- 看護婦が深夜勤務時にとる仮眠の効果-2-仮眠がその後の睡眠に及ぼす影響
- 看護婦が深夜勤務時にとる仮眠の効果-1-勤務中の覚醒水準の変化
- 看護婦が深夜勤務時にとる仮眠の効果-3-生活時間調査と質問紙調査の分析
- Investigation and Research on Classification of Productive Skills (1)--Actial Work and Skills in the Car Manufacturing Industry