- Suppressive Effect of β-Endorphin on Body Shaking Respones to Ice Water Immersion and Synergistic Action of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide on β-Endorphin in Anesthetized Rats
- Effect of Cholecystokinin Octapeptide and Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide on Adrenocortical Secretion in the Rat
- Effects of β-Endorphin,Thyrotropin-releasing Hormone and Cholecystokinin on Body Shaking Behavior in Rats
- Sedative Action of Cholecystokinin Octapeptide on Behavioral Excitation by Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone and Methamphetamine in the Rat
- Effect of Cholecystokinin on Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH)-induced Serotonin Potentiation in Rats
- Effect of Cholecystokinin Octapeptide on Body Temperature in the Rat
- Diminished Circadian Rhythm of Locomotor Activity after Vagotomy in Rats
- Effect of a Cholecystokinin Preparation on Brain Monoamines in the Rat
- The Rate of Phase Shift of Plasma Corticosterone Circadian Rhythm during Early Developmental Stages in Neonatally Blinded Rats
- Inhibitory Effect of Cholecystokinin Octapeptide on Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide-induced Stimulation of Adrenocortical Secretion
- 浸透圧調節システム概論 (体液--水・電解質代謝と酸・塩基平衡) -- (浸透圧調節系)
- Effect of Intraventricular Administration of Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide on Body Temperature in the Rat
- 特集にあたって (ヒトの日周リズム)
- 新生時コ-チゾルおよびエストリオ-ル処置ラットにおける副腎皮質日周リズムの発達について
- 性ステロイド投与による新生ラットの副腎および胸腺の変化について
- 胎生および新生ラットにおける下垂体副腎皮質系のフィ-ドバック調節 (神経内分泌--その後の進展) -- (神経内分泌系におけるfeedback)
- 新生時コ-チゾル処置ラットにおける副腎と胸腺の退行について
- ラット副腎の生後発達について
- 新生時コーチゾル処置ラットにおける副腎と胸腺の退行について