島田 清司
島田 清司
Avian Bioscience Research Research Center Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya Univers
- Synthesis of Isochalcogenazole Rings by Treating β-(N,N-Dimethylcarbamoylchalcogenenyl)alkenyl Ketones with Hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic Acid
- Synthesis and Oxidative Ring Contraction of 1,5,3,7-Dichalcogena-diazocanes. Novel Formation of 1,2,4-Diselenazolidines, 1,2,4-Ditellurazolidines, and 1,2,3,4,5,7-Pentathiazocanes
- Novel Synthesis and Thermal Ring Fission of 7-Aryl-1,2,3,4,5,7-pentathiazocanes
- Generation of 1,3-Chalcogenaza-1,3-butadienes by Thermal Cycloreversion of 2,4,6-Trisubstituted 6H-1,3,5-Oxachalcogenazines
- Synthesis of 1, 2, 4-Ditellurazolidines by Oxidative Ring Contraction of 2H, 6H-Tetrahydro-1, 5, 3, 7-ditelluradiazocines
- Formation of Kinetically Stabilized Dithiiranes by Treating Thione S-Oxides Bearing a Bulky Substituent with Lawesson's Reagent
- Synthesis of Dialkenyl Dichalcogenides via Alkenechalcogenolate Ions Generated by Treating Ketone p-Toluenesulfonylhydrazones with a Base and Elemental Chalcogen
- A Novel Conversion of 3,7-Disubstituted 2H,6H-Tetrahydro-1,5,3,7-diselenadiazocines to 4-Substituted 1,2,4-Diselenazolidines by Treating with Oxidizing Agents
- Novel Generation, Characterization, and Trapping of 2-Methylene-3-cyclobutene-1-selones
- 非ステロイドアロマターゼ阻害剤、Fadrozoleの気室への投与によるニワトリ卵におけるトキシコキネティクス
- プロゲステロン持続性投与の排卵抑制効果〔英文〕
- cDNA Cloning and mRNA Expression of Estrogen Receptor α in Japanese Quail
- ニワトリの胚及び孵化後の性腺における黄体形成ホルモン及び卵胞刺激ホルモンレセプターメッセンジャーリボ核酸の発現
- 低カルシウム飼料給餌による卵殻質の低下と小腸及び卵殻腺におけるカルシウム結合タンパク質(CaBP-D_)遺伝子発現に与える影響
- Aminoglutethimide がニワトリカルシウム結合蛋白質(CaBP-D_)遺伝子発現に与える影響
- ブロイラーの性分化及び性腺 P450_ と P450_ mRNA 量に及ぼすアロマターゼ阻害剤の影響
- 鶏における非ステロイド性アロマターゼインヒビターの性転換効果と性腺アロマターゼ mRNA 発現
- ウズラの放卵周期中の血中および卵胞膜と子宮組織中のプロスタグランジン濃度の変化〔英文〕
- ニワトリ,ウズラおよびシチメンチョウの排卵と放卵にともなう子宮運動〔英文〕
- ニワトリ卵巣の子宮収縮誘起因子〔英文〕
- ニワトリ近交系GSP, GSN/1, PNP/DOおよびBM-C系における, 赤血球抗原変異検索, リンパ球混合培養法および皮膚移植法による主要組織適合遺伝子複合体抗原の均一性の評価
- Developmental Enhancement of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)-Generated Quail Embryos by Phospholipase Cζ cRNA
- Effects of Aromatase Inhibitor (Fadrozole)-Induced Sex-Reversal on Gonadal Differentiation and mRNA Expression of P450arom, AMH and ERα in Embryos and Growth in Posthatching Quail
- Effect of Estradiol and Nonyiphenol on mRNA Expression of Estrogen Receptors α and β, and Cytochrome P450 Aromatase in the Gonad of Chicken Embryos
- Suppressive Effect of p-Nonylphenol on Male-Specific mRNA Expression in the Embryonic Gonad of Chickens
- Effect of Estradiol and Nonylphenol on mRNA Levels of VitellogeninII in the Liver of Chicken Embryos
- Identification of Two Types of Growth Hormone Receptor Mutations in Two Strains of Sex-linked Dwarf Chickens
- Expression of P450arom, AMH and ER_α mRNA in Gonads of Turkey, Duck and Goose within One Week of Age
- Profiles of mRNA Expression of FOXL2, P450arom, DMRT1, AMH, P450_, SF1, ERα and AR, in Relation to Gonadal Sex Differentiation in Duck Embryo
- Identification of Spermatogenic Cells Expressing Protamine mRNA in Japanese Quail by RT-PCR
- Expression of Protamine mRNA in Relation to Spermatogenic Activity in Japanese Quail
- 抱卵および育雛中の岐阜地鶏母鶏における黄体形成ホルモン放出ホルモン投与後の血漿黄体形成ホルモンおよびエストラジオール濃度の増加
- 産卵鶏の血中バソトシンおよびメソトシン濃度におよぼす食塩水投与の影響〔英文〕
- 産卵鶏における排卵および放卵の摂食・飲水行動に及ぼす影響〔英文〕
- cDNA Cloning and mRNA Expression of Androgen Receptor in Male Japanese Quail : Coturnix coturnix japonica
- A Willgerodt-Kindler Type Selenation of Dihalomethane Derivatives, Chloroform, and Sodium Trichloroacetate by Treating with a Base, Elemental Selenium, and an Amine
- Convenient Syntheses of N,N-Dialkylselenoamides and N,N,N',N'-Tetraalkylselenoureas.by Treating Terminal gem-Dihaloalkanes, Chloroform, or Sodium Trichloroacetate with a Base, Elemental Selenium, and Amines
- Isolation and Characterization of an Allenylthioketene and 4-Methylenecyclobutenethiones Generated by Thermal Reaction of Alkynyl Propargyl Sulfides
- A Preparation of Alkyl or Alkenyl N, N-Dimethylchalcogenocarbamates and Their One-Step Conversion into Symmetrical Dialkyl or Dialkenyl Dichalcogenides
- Conversion of 2-Methylthio-4-trifluoroacetyl-5, 6-dihydro-4H-1, 3, 4-thiadiazines into α, β-Unsaturated Esters via Carbanion-Induced Ring Opening and Desulfurization
- Generation of 1, 3-Selenaza-1, 3-butadienes by Thermal Cycloreversion of 2, 4, 6-Trisubstituted 6H-1, 3, 5-Oxaselenazines
- Efficient Synthesis of Selenocarbonyl Compounds by Treating Carbonyl Compounds with Bis(1,5-cyclooctanediylboryl) Selenide
- A Pummerer-Type Novel Ring Fission of 2-Methylsulfinyl-5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3,4-thiadiazine Derivatives: A Homologation of Aldehydes and Ketones
- A Homologation of Aldehydes and Ketones via the Formation and the Subsequent Pummerertype Ring Fission of 2-Methylsulfinyl-5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3,4-thiadiazine Derivatives
- Generation of a Selenoaldehyde, a Selenoketone, and Telluroaldehydes by [3,3] Sigmatropic Rearrangement of Allyl Alkenyl Selenides and Tellurides
- An Efficient Synthesis of Selenocarbonyl Compounds by the Treatment of Carbonyl Compounds with Bis[1,5-cyclooctanediylboryl] Selenide
- チャボの就巣時における体内水分平衡に対する AVT の関与の可能性
- ニワトリの連産中の放卵時と連産の最終放卵時および第1排卵時における卵巣のプロスタグランジン濃度〔英文〕
- 名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科附属鳥類バイオサイエンス研究センターの紹介
- 技術情報2 初生雛の雌雄鑑別技術と最新技術開発:孵化前の種卵での雌雄鑑別技術
- 種卵で雌雄を見分けることができるか : 日本の伝統的雌雄鑑別から近代技術まで
- 産卵制御の分子機構
- 鳥類の産卵現象とその調節
- 放卵の内分泌学的調節機構
- A Novel Synthesis of α,β,γ,δ-Unsaturated Selenoamides by Using [3,3] Sigmatropic Rearrangement of Alkynyl Propargyl Selenides in the Presence of Diethylamine
- A Convenient Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Tellurides by a Sequential Reductive Cleavage of Bis(N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl) Ditelluride