脳のNOとCOは何をしているのか (神経科学の謎<特集>)
- Cerebellar long-term depression blocked by endogenous carbon monoxide
- Acute neural necrosis induced by anoxic perfusion in the neocorticalblock preparation
- Physiological roles of neocortical long-term potentiation in theauditory cortex
- Functional brain block preparation of the rat auditory cortex
- 脳のNOとCOは何をしているのか (神経科学の謎)
- Suppressive effects of carbon monoxide on cerebellar long-termdepression
- 聴覚野神経活動の内因性酸化還元蛍光によるイメージング
- 脳科学シリ-ズ 10 聴覚における学習と記憶
- LTP facilitated by extensive horizontal connections in the auditorycortex
- Fixation of enhanced sound discrimination ability in the rat
- Comparison of LTP between the auditory and visual cortices
- Long-term potentiation of supragranular pyramidal outputs in the ratauditory cortex
- LTP and LTD of pyramidal outputs in the auditory cortex of adult rat
- Long-lasting effects of sound exposure on sound discrimination abilityof rats
- A quick test for sound discrimination ability of rats in a single session preparatory training
- Long-term potentiation in pyramidal outputs of supragranular layers of the rat auditory cortex
- Long-term potentiation in the auditory cortex of adult rats
- An electrochemical probe for carbon monoxide
- 小脳シナプス可塑性における1酸化窒素の機能 (1酸化窒素の生理機能と病態発現の周辺)
- 視覚野切片標本における長期増強
- Deficient cerebellar long-term depression, impaired eyeblinkconditioning and normal motor coordination in GFAP mutant mice
- 小脳分子層 NO 放出の CNQX によるブロック
- 小脳シナプス可塑性におけるグリア細胞の関与