- 論文の詳細を見る
The scoring system is widely accepted as a simple and useful method for evaluating the degree of facial palsy, but there have been some problems in objectivity and reproducibility. This study investigated a new objective method of analyzing facial movements and examined the physiological range of asymmetry and differences between genders.<BR>Facial expression data input to an Apple Computer using Quick Tim e was analyzed by applying digital image editing techniques.<BR>Forty-six healthy volunteer subjects were analyzed utilizing this method. To quantify facial movements, several points on the face were identified to accurately monitor their movements. Twenty-four white marks were placed on the face, and 10 pictures in a series from resting to maximum movements were imported. The movements of each marker were expressed on a coordinate axis. Four voluntary facial movements (forehead wrinkling, eye closing, grinning and whistling) were examined.<BR>The trajectory of the marks were expressed n umerically and changes in an area within a polygon produced by connecting all marked points with a line were measured. The ratio of the area of maximum movement to the area at rest was obtained and used for comparative investigation.<BR>The differences in the ratio between the left and right sides were less than 6% in any area and any movement. There were no significant differences due to gender. Some areas obtained by subdividing showed larger changes with facial movements than other areas.
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