- 論文の詳細を見る
Malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity has a very poor prognosis and is resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The nasal and oral cavities in the head and neck are reported to be predisposed to this malignancy, though malignant melanona is very rare and accounts for 1.2-4.3% of the total cases of malignant tumors of the nasal and paranasal cavities. In the present study, we encountered three cases of primary malignant melanoma of the nasal cavity.<BR>Case 1 w as a 72-year-old man who was postoperatively diagnosed with malignant melanoma and further treated with DAV (DTIC, ACNU and VCR) therapy. Because of a residual tumor, the patient had subsequent surgery. Case 2 was a 78-year-old man who was treated with DAV and CDV (CDDP, DTIC and VDS) therapies in combination with local administration of beta-interferon. After 2 courses of this combined therapy, the patient was surgically treated. Case 3 was an 82-year-old woman who declined our recommendation for surgical therapy.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
古川 勝朗
白神 かおり
内藤 好宏
荻野 哲也
大道 卓也
冨永 進
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