Unilateral Sudden Deafness with Jumbling Phenomenon; A Case Report.
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A 45-year-old woman with hypertension developed tinnitus and a feeling of obstruction in her right ear after taking a new antihypertension drug. The next morning she complained of vertigo and hearing loss in her right ear. After ten days, the vertigo disappeared but Jumbling phenomenon was occurred. The patient could not walk without holding on to a handrail. Otoneurologic testing revealed unilateral hearing loss and bilateral vestibular disorder. We explained the importance of rehabilitation to the patient and gave instructions for exercising. After a few weeks she could walk alone.Although her equilibrium disorder was reduced, in otoneurologic test showed little improvement. Plasticity of the central nervous system seemed to have compensated for her disorder.A few cases of bilateral sudden hearing loss and bilateral vestibular neuronitis have been reported. They were thought to have been caused by virus infection, vascular disorder of the inner ear, syphilis, diabetes, cancer metastasis to the temporal bone, etc.We felt that the etiology in our patient was a vascular disorder of the inner ear due to an excessive reduction in blood pressure. This case emphasizes the importance of rehabilitation in nonacute vestibular disorders.
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