Activities and Actual Achievements of Respiratory Support Team at Showa University Hospital: Report of Activities in the Year 2012
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In this study, the contents of the Respiratory Support Team (RST)s activities, present status of the activities, and oral health problems were evaluated to standardize the management of patients using ventilators at Showa University Hospital. The RST consisted of medical doctors, nurses, medical engineers, physiotherapists, dentists, and dental hygienists. The aim of the team was to standardize the management methods of ventilators and promote early weaning from ventilators. Between April 2011 and March 2012, the RST performed interventions for a total of 184 inpatients. The number of interventions was highest for respiratory medicine, followed in order by gastrointestinal medicine, hematology, cranial nerve surgery, and cardiovascular surgery. During rounds and in training sessions, the members of the RST explained and demonstrated the management of ventilators and facemasks to the staffs of wards where ventilators were used. The results indicated that the management methods of ventilators at Showa University were partially standardized through knowledge transmission from the members of the RST to the staffs of the wards. Moreover, since the dental professionals participated in the RST, the ward staff had opportunities to improve methods of oral hygiene management. However, some future recommendations were provided on indication sheets that varied according to the type of ventilator, and there was no standardization in terms of ventilator settings and facemask selection.
- Showa University Dental Societyの論文
Showa University Dental Society | 論文
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