A Case of Drug Eruption Caused by an Anti-diabetic Drug, Sitagliptin
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A 54-year-old male who was prescribed Sitagliptin for diabetes mellitus, and thereafter developed widespread erythema and itching 72 days after starting the treatment. He was admitted to our hospital, and therapy with oral prednisolone was commenced, but his symptoms were not resolved. We suspected that his condition was a drug eruption caused by Sitagliptin, and discontinued the drug. His skin lesions resolved promptly. Although the drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test and patch test were both negative, oral provocation test of the drug was positive. We therefore diagnosed the patient to have a maculopapular type drug eruption caused by Sitagliptin. 167 cases of skin tissue and subcutaneous tissue disorders have been reported based on postmarketing surveillance regarding Sitagliptin, wherein among these, 2 cases showed serious side effects of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. We herein report that as far as we have been able to research at the current phase, there have not been many reports in the form of research papers regarding the occurrence of any drug induced rash associated with Sitagliptin, except for these 3 cases among both domestic and international reports.Skin Research, 11: 160-164, 2012
- 日本皮膚科学会大阪地方会・日本皮膚科学会京滋地方会の論文
日本皮膚科学会大阪地方会・日本皮膚科学会京滋地方会 | 論文
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