LDK のにおいの臭気濃度と影響を及ぼす要因
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The purposes of this study are to confirm the odor concentration in living-dining rooms with adjacent kitchens (LDKs) and to examine the impact of housing environment on odor concentration. Odors were measured during summer, autumn, and winter in LDKs of 20 apartments and 20 houses. Odor samples for olfactory measurements were collected three times: before cooking, immediately after cooking, and one hour after cooking. Odor concentration of the collected samples was measured using the triangle odor bag method. In addition, odor intensity, odor hedonics, and odor quality were evaluated by six olfactory panels.The odor concentration before cooking was about 100 on average. The odor concentration immediately after cooking and one hour after cooking was about 400 and 200, respectively, on average. The kitchen shape, area of LDKs, ventilation equipment and housing layout influenced the odor concentration immediately after cooking. The ventilation equipment had the greatest effect on odor concentration of the LDKs among the factors considered for housing environment.
- The Japan Society of Home Economicsの論文
The Japan Society of Home Economics | 論文
- LDK のにおいの臭気濃度と影響を及ぼす要因
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