Comparative Study on Cooperation for Agrobiodiversity Management in Developing Countries.
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Agrobiodiversity needs to be conserved urgently because it faces rapid erosion. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation projects and programmes have been implemented for the effective and efficient management of agrobiodiversity. Although Japan has been active in this field, most of its programmes have dealt with infrastructure development and scientific research at public organizations.<BR>The global trend of agrobiodiversity management activities and development cooperation has changed drastically in recent years from the conservation of materials for breeding or public organizations to integration of genetic resources management into rural development in developing countries. This focus is compatible with social and participatory development.<BR>Historically, Germany and Japan have shared similar technical cooperation strategies. Both emphasized <I>ex situ</I> conservation and infrastructure development. However, this investigation reveals that Germany has already integrated the new framework of the global system consisting of such treaties as Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) into its programmes. At the macro-level, the German Technical Cooperation Agency (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit, GTZ) extends its programmes in policy and legislation, and at the micro-level, it carries out projects for participatory conservation and rural development.<BR>The research-oriented cooperation extended by JICA needs to be evaluated in light of the changes in the international trends of agrobiodiversity management. JICA should utilize the existing network of human resources involved in natural and socio-economic research in other projects for rural development and it should also extend its strong experience in capacity building of public sector organizations.
- 日本熱帯農業学会の論文
日本熱帯農業学会 | 論文
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