Observations on a Case of Supposed Contamination with Another Acid-fast Bacillus:I. The Isolation Culture of Contaminated Acid Fast Bacillus and in vitro Examination of Isolates
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Our attempts to grow Mycobacterium leprae in mice have been made in the midst of studies of the cultivation of Mycobacterium lepraemurium. The supposed contamination occurred in Exp (4) in which four times intravenous injection of bacterial suspension of Mycobacterium leprae had been carried out. At 12 month autopsy, the superficial lymph nodes exhibited varying degrees of macroscopic enlargement, one mouse (no. 8) revealed gross involvement also in the spleen, liver, and lungs. Microscopically, all the animals at this stage acid-fast bacilli harbored in the tissues of various organs such as spleen, liver, lungs, kidneys and pooled superficial lymph nodes ; the tissues of mouse no. 8 had the highest number of the bacilli. Results of cultivating test were as follows: Macroscopically rough, reddish-violett-colored colonies could be isolated from the tissues of spleen and lungs of mouse no. 8. The primary growth occurred only on STC mixed egg yolk medium after 2 months incubation. These colonies changed to pale yellowcolored by Subcultivation on egg yolk medium. When being stained and examined microscopically, the isolate was found to be an acid-fast bacillus similar to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.This is here after referred to as Bacillus No. 4.The Bacillus No. 4 is very similar to Mycobacterium lepraemurium in many respects such as colony appearance, cell morphology, pyridin extraction, growth response on the egg and egg yolk media, growth temperatur and niacin test. The Bacillus No. 4 is now under examination so that no final conclusion can be made yet about its taxsomic position.
- 日本ハンセン病学会の論文
日本ハンセン病学会 | 論文
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