Effect of Curdlan Containing Tofu Noodles on Defecation Frequency and Fecal Characteristics of Healthy Young Female Volunteers
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To elucidate the effect of Curdlan, a kind of microbial producing indigestible polysaccharides, on the health benefit in human, one pack of Tofu noodles containing 7.5g of curdlan was given to 28 healthy young female students daily for two weeks. The each subject was obliged to note 6 items to estimate daily defecation habits on the health condition recording paper for two weeks of ordinary meal (control period) and of the test food period. The present study seemed to revealed that the ingestion of curdlan containing Tofu noodles might be effective forsignificantly increasing the scores of 5 parameters compared to those of the control period ; defecation frequency (p<0.009), fecal quantity (number of model tube, p<0.002), fecal volume (consciousness, p<0.008), physical sensation after defecation (p<0.001) and stool type (p<0.003). These results suggest that curdlan may act to improve the defecation frequency and the other fecal characteristics in human.
- 日本食物繊維学会の論文
日本食物繊維学会 | 論文
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