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We carried out the development of a general-purpose optical interference-type chemical instrument that responds to the refractive index. Toward the determination of a unique solution concentration, high sensitivity and high accuracy, as well as response to a sample solution with a continuously and fast-changing concentration, the phase of interference fringe was adopted as signal. A new sample cell and interferometer consisting of two pieces of glasses placed in a wedge conformation was devised; further, the sample cell was miniaturized. The use of the new sample cell and interferometer consisting of two pieces of glasses placed in a wedge conformation successfully compensated for any signal fluctuations due to a laser instability etc. This measurement system correctly responded to the concentration. The phase change is roughly proportional to the concentration in the region from 0 to 0.3% aqueous solution of ethanol, and detection limit was determined to be 0.022%. This was comparable to that of a commercially available refractive index meter. The system responded quantitatively correctly to continuous and fast changes of the sample concentration to follow almost in time, which showed the possibility of real-time measurements up to a rate of 0.0024% s−1. Measurements of Ni(CH3COO)2 were successfully carried out. Although it is necessary to study each case, the applicability for a coloring substance has been suggested.
満塩 勝
肥後 盛秀
藤田 由
吉留 俊史
大橋 卓也
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