研究報文 講演音声の音声的特徴とその印象に対する評価構造モデル
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We analyzed the relationships between impression ratings and phonetic properties of monolog uesusing the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ). The impression ratings were of subjective attributes such as speaking rate and speech style. Each attribute was rated on a seven-point scale. The phonetic properties were objective attributes such as speaking rate and pause ratio, as measured directly from the CSJ speech data. Using six phonetic properties and five impression ratings as variables, structural equation modeling was conducted to explain not only the relations between the impression and phonetic properties but also the relations among the impressions. The model showed that the impressions "Skillfulness" and "Liking" could be predicted from the impressions "Speech rate", "Activity", and "Formality", which in turn could be related with the objective phonetic properties. Moreover, it was shown that the higher the "Skillfulness" evaluation, the higher the "Liking" evaluation.
- 日本官能評価学会の論文
日本官能評価学会 | 論文
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