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A spring constant of railway vehicle is deteriorated as operated either since newly built or lately inspected. The existing system to detect the deterioration of coil springs for railway vehicles depends on periodical inspections at factories away from operational rail tracks. It is costly and time consuming work. In this respect, this paper applies the theory of detecting 3-D locations of the center of gravity for detecting the deterioration of coil springs for railway vehicles, which was invented by the second author of this paper and abbreviated as D3DCG. D3DCG can detect not only the center of gravity of railway vehicles but also the lower limit of unstable zone for the center of gravity by which the deterioration of cars underneath the vehicle can be measured on the moving vehicle. In order to apply D3DCG, the authors measured the vertical acceleration and the roll rate of moving railway vehicles commercially operated and was successfully able to find that the lower limit of unstable zone decreased according to operational years of the car since newly built or lately inspected.
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