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This paper deals with a shape control of a cantilever plate under static loading by piezoelectric actuators. The deformation of the plate is controlled by piezoelectric patches attached symmetrically to the plate surfaces. The displacement field is calculated by a three-dimensional finite element method incorporating piezoelectric effect. In order to design effective layout which is able to reduce deformation of the plate by using small number of piezoelectric patches, not only the optimal layout but also alternative layouts are designed and evaluated. The layouts of piezoelectric patches are generated by a random technique or determined based on the stress information of the plate. The effect of the number and the positions of piezoelectric patches on shape control is discussed through their layouts, and conditions for designing effective layout are summarized. The results indicated that several examples which fulfill the conditions are able to reduce deformation of the plate, and the volume of the piezoelectric patches becomes less than half compared to the case of full coverage on the surfaces of the plate.
大多尾 義弘
石原 正行
川端 亮平
大阪府立大学大学院 工学研究科
亀尾 佳貴
大阪府立大学大学院 工学研究科
石原 正行
大多尾 義弘
大阪府立大学大学院 工学研究科
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