Performance Evaluation of Interference Rejection Combining Receiver in Heterogeneous Networks for LTE-Advanced Downlink
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The interference rejection combining (IRC) receiver effectively improves the cell-edge user throughput by suppressing interference from the surrounding cells. The work item (WI) for the specification of the IRC receiver is now ongoing for Release 11 Long-Term Evolution (LTE)-Advanced. Furthermore, heterogeneous networks where low power nodes such as picocells are overlaid onto macrocells are important to further improve the system throughput per unit area. In heterogeneous networks, to achieve an offloading gain from macrocells to picocells, cell range expansion (CRE) is applied. Additionally, inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) is applied to reduce the severe inter-cell interference imposed from the macrocells onto the sets of user equipment (UEs) connected to picocells. In such cases, the interference statistics are completely different from traditional well-planned macrocell deployments, which have been investigated for the IRC receiver. This paper clarifies the effect of the IRC receiver in a heterogeneous network employing CRE and ICIC. Simulation results show that when both CRE and ICIC are applied, the effect of the IRC receiver becomes small due to a reduction in the severe inter-cell interference from ICIC. However, we clarify that the user throughput gain at the cumulative distribution function of 5% from the IRC receiver exceeding 10% is achieved compared to the conventional minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver in a heterogeneous network regardless of the usage of ICIC. Furthermore, in heterogeneous networks employing CRE and ICIC, we clarify that an average user throughput gain exceeding 5% is achieved from the IRC receiver and the improvement in the average user throughput is high especially for the UEs connected to picocells compared to UEs connected to macrocells.
Miki Nobuhiko
Ntt Docomo Inc.
Okumura Yukihiko
Ntt Docomo Inc.
Morimoto Akihito
Ntt Docomo Inc.
Ohwatari Yusuke
Ntt Docomo Inc.
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