Strategies for the treatment of liver metastases from gastric cancer: hepatic resection and microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy (MCN)
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We evaluated the effect of hepatic surgery, including microwave coagulo-necrotic therapy (MCN), for liver metastases from gastric cancer. Twenty-nine patients with gastric liver metastases underwent hepatic surgery in our institute between December 1997 and December 2011. Hepatic resection (HR) was performed in 13 patients, MCN in 9, and MCN in combination with HR in 7. The overall survival rates at 1-, 3-, and 5-years were 83.8%, 37.3%, and 31.1%, respectively. Five patients have survived with no recurrence for more than 5 years. One of the patients treated with MCN for 7 gastric liver metastases. In conclusion, MCN alone or MCN in combination with HR allow more patients with gastric liver metastases to become candidates for hepatic surgery and give the long-term survival.
才津 秀樹
国立病院機構 九州医療セ 肝臓病セ
龍 知記
高見 裕子
立石 昌樹
国立病院機構九州医療センター 肝胆膵外科
和田 幸之
国立病院機構九州医療センター 肝胆膵外科
高見 裕子
国立病院機構九州医療センター 肝胆膵外科
龍 知記
国立病院機構九州医療センター 肝胆膵外科
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