一過性運動が腓腹筋およびアキレス腱の硬度に及ぼす影響 −超音波Real-time Tissue Elastographyを用いた検討−
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the change of the hardness of the gastrocnemius muscle (GM) and the Achilles tendon (AT) using Real-time Tissue Elastography (RTE) before and after acute exercise. Nine healthy young male without any exercising custom performed a total of 100 reps. of one-leg heel-rise exercise and the hardness of the gastrocnemius muscle and the Achilles tendon before and after the exercise was examined in comparison. The strain ratio (SR) was even measured in comparison to a reference material. The result indicated that the SR of the GM significantly increased immediately, 15min, 30min and 24h after the exercise, whereas the SR of the AT significantly increased just immediately and 15min after the exercise. In summary, the hardness of GM and AT increased after exercise. These findings suggest that RTE is a useful technique for assessing specific hardness of muscles and tendon, More RTE measurements of various parts of the body and the examination of the relationship between injury and RTE are required for the conditioning of muscles and tendons.
- アマチュアボクシング選手の外傷・障害調査
- 成長期女子サッカー選手における大腿四頭筋の筋硬度の試合前後の変化
- 片側大腿短断端切断者による交互走行獲得に関する事例研究
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