A case of post-transfusion hepatitis by an occult HBV carrier
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We report a case of acute hepatitis B caused by blood transfusion. The case is a male patient of 50s who underwent cardiac operation. Hepatitis B surface (HBs) antigen, HBs antibody and HB core antibody were all negative at 80 days after the transfusion but the liver function tests became abnormal at 6 months. HBs antigen and HBV-DNA turned positive and he was diagnosed as having acute hepatitis B. He recovered without antiviral therapies and HBV-DNA became negative within several weeks. HBV-DNA was detected in a pack of used fresh-frozen plasma. The nucleic acid sequence of HBV was matched with that obtained from the patient. The blood donor had frequently performed blood donation and this case is considered as occult HBV infection. Several cases of post-transfusion type B hepatitis are occurring every year in Japan in spite of improvement of a nucleic acid amplification test.
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