Useful Points for Physiatrist When Writing Medical Certificates for Physically Disabled
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According to statistics from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for the last ten years, the number of people with physically disabled persons' certificates increased from about 4,370,000 in 2001 to more than 5 million in 2008 and reached about 5,110,000 in 2010. The incidence of stroke and various internal diseases are increasing following an increase in lifestyle-related diseases and the development of Japan's rapidly aging society. In this social background, the physiatrist has many chances to write a physically disabled persons' medical certificate during the patients' care-planning. The most important point to consider is to understand the reason why the patient wants to get a physically disabled persons' certificate. Patients have several needs in their care-plan requiring a physically disabled persons' certificate such as financial aid for medical bills and travel expenses, and also for the cost or supply for orthosis, prosthesis and other technical aids for the disabled. The degree of invalidity must correlate with the medical findings and impairment in the medical certificate. For example the medical findings are the grade of paralysis, joint range of motion and muscle weakness, etc. Activities of daily living (ADL) provide the evidence of those findings and the degree of invalidity. The best practice when writing a medical certificate for physically disabled is that there must be no discrepancy between the medical opinion for the degree of invalidity and the medical findings, impairment and ADL of the patients.
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- Useful Points for Physiatrist When Writing Medical Certificates for Physically Disabled