行政側のリハビリテーション科医として : —被災者・障害者支援と地域リハビリテーション活動の展開—
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In this paper, we report the various actions and administrative steps taken by the Miyagi Prefectural Rehabilitation Support Center (MPRSC) to aid the disabled, following the Great East (Eastern) Japan Earthquake. Among various problems we encountered, it was alarming that the shelters set up for victims were not always accessible for disabled persons. These non accessible shelters had various barriers. Also, we noticed that many disabled people had lost their technical aids, i.e. canes, wheel chairs, orthoses and prostheses, etc. After the administrative vacuum caused by the disaster, we were able to restart community services for the disabled through reestablishment of local support center activities under MPRSC direction. During this process, we received much support from across the nation and from various specialist groups related to rehabilitation services. We now realize the need for the Disaster Acute Rehabilitation Team (DART) and the undergoing change in needs for the disabled people since the disaster. Finally, we comment on the importance of building a guideline of rehabilitation services, especially in case of a disaster, and having an everyday working intimate network established among the local administration office, medical associations and the other related parties.
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