- 論文の詳細を見る
The characteristic of the Japanese Ecotourism is that the guide workers make the immediate natural environment (INE) more attractive, as natural tourism resources (NTR) of INE are used for ecotourism resources often. There were many cases that guide workers participate in NTR conservation activities. However, the NTR in national park's INE requires adaptive management based on evaluation by each region, which needs the consideration on the history of NTR development for management. This study aimed to clarify the relationships between the NTR in national park's INE and the guide workers. The study was conducted at the Kujuku-shima Islands area in Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture. The methods were the literature survey (administration documents, scientific journals, and newspaper articles) and the hearing survey from 13 stakeholders (administrative officers, researchers, and guide workers). At first, the development history of NTR was categorized into 4 different stages: 1) national park designated period (NPDP), 2) tourism facility development period (TFDP), 3) NTR information development period (NIDP), 4) ecotourism rule deliberation period (ERDP). Second, the relationships between the NTR and the guide workers were revealed by understanding characteristics of NTR investigation which were researched by the guide workers. As a result, the historical research revealed that the NTR is developed with the investigations by experts in the NPDP and the investigations by citizen related to guide works in the NIDP. It was clarified that the guide workers could assist to develop and to conserve the NTR in national park's INE.
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