Structure and Dynamics of Water Confined in Mesoporous Silica and Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica
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Water in confinement plays an important role in various industrial and biological processes. In the present work, water was confined in mesoporous silica (MCM-41) and periodic mesoporous organosilica with phenyl groups embedded in silica matrices (Ph-PMO). The structure and the dynamics of water confined in MCM-41 and Ph-PMO were investigated by X-ray and neutron scattering measurements. Water confined in MCM-41 (pore diameter 21 Å) is not frozen upon cooling to as low a temperature as 140 K; however, a tetrahedral-like (ice-like) structure of water is developed in the core of the pores. Water molecules interact strongly with the hydrophilic wall of MCM-41 through hydrogen bonding, whereas in the pores of Ph-PMO with increased hydrophobicity by the phenyl groups embedded in the silica matrices water molecules tend to assemble in the central region of the pores.
稲垣 伸二
山口 敏男
橘高 茂治
伊藤 華苗
吉田 亨次
早田 葵
麻生 真以
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- Structure and Dynamics of Water Confined in Mesoporous Silica and Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica
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