Analyses of Clogging Phenomena in Porous Media and the Recovery of Permeability by Back-pumping
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One of the difficult problems in planning an artificial groundwater recharge is the prediction of cloggings in aquifers. In the present study, the mechanism of the clogging caused by suspended solids in recharge water and the effect of back-pumping for recovery permeability are discussed through theoretical and experimental analyses.<BR>The following results are obtained:<BR>(1) the clogging phenomenon can be simulated by the filtration equations;<BR>(2) the relation between the amount of clogging solids and the reduced permeability can be expressed by the Kozeny-Stein equation; and<BR>(3) by assuming that the flow through the capillary tube, the quantitative estimation of the effect of back-pumping can be realized: the effect depends on the magnitude of the shear stress exerted by the flow on the sand grains.
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