Studies of Urinary pH, Plasma (Immunosuppressive Acidic Protein, Sialic Acid), Urine and Plasma (Amylase, N-Acetyl-β-D-Glucosaminidase) During High-Dose Methotrexate Therapy for Osteosarcoma
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High-dose methotrexate and citrovorum factor (HD-MTX-CF) treatment was performed for the following patients suffering from osteosarcoma: case 1 (7-year-old female), case 2 (9-year-old male), case 3 (19-year-old female), case 4 (45-year-old female). In this treatment, it is important keeping urine alkaline to prevent renal failure caused by crystallization of MTX in acid urine. For this purpose, meylon (sodium bicarbonate solution) was injected intra-venously. Though the importancy of keeping urine alkaline has been emphasized, there are few reports describing urine pH profile during HD-MTX-CF. <BR>We studied urine pH profile during HD-MTX-CF for the patients described above. Becouse urinary pH decreases from midnight to morning, then the additional meylon should be injected in the early morning.<BR>We also studied plasma and urine amylase and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, plasma immunosuppressive acidic protein (IAP) and Sialic scid. This HD-MTX-CF for patients described above was performed successfully, these data and general liver and kidney function tests showed no significant changes during the treatment.
佐藤 豊二
堀田 利雄
守田 哲郎
村木 幸子
高橋 毅
池田 孝和
小川 真知子
平田 泰治
渡辺 和敏
蒲原 宏
佐藤 豊二
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