Research on the Working Conditions,Fatigue,and Sleep of Truck Drivers : The Problems of Small and Medium-Sized Transport Enterprises Analyzed by Using a Questionnaire Survey
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In order to examine an improvement plan with regard to the health problems and fatigue of truck drivers, a questionnaire survey concerning the work conditions, sleep conditions, environment, salary, existing health conditions, life habits and fatigue was conducted to 415 truck drivers in 2006. Replies from a total of 193 truck drivers in major companies and 222 truck drivers in small and medium-sized transport enterprises (SMEs) were analyzed. A chi-square test and t-test were performed to compare the SMEs and those from the major companies. The following problems were identified through the results from the analysis. The rates of long driving hours, lack of sleep, lack of holidays, driving with sleep away from home and spot work were significantly higher for drivers working for SMEs than those of major companies. The rates of drowsiness, driving at night and early morning, time pressure, and difficulty of parking during break time were significantly higher for drivers working for SMEs than major companies. A number of drivers working for SMEs slept in beds or the seats in the cabin of their trucks. The rate of dissatisfaction related to sleep environment was significantly higher in drivers working for SMEs than in those of major companies. The rates of performance-based pay and dissatisfaction related to salaries were significantly higher in drivers working for SMEs than those working for major companies. The frequency of medical checkups was significantly lower in SMEs than in major companies. As the factors of life habits, lack of vegetables, unbalanced diet and irregular meals were significantly higher for the truck drivers working for the SMEs than those of the major companies.
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