An Analysis of Multi-generational Family Housing from the Vewpoint of Generational Conflicts and Their Resolutions by Japanese Literary Works
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of this paper are to find the characteristics of conflicts between generations in multigenerational housing in Japan by analyzing literary works after the world war II, to depict the relationship between the conflicts and thecharacteristics of family and physical condition of housing, and to discuss the designing multigenerational housing andstyle of habitation to lessen the conflicts among the family members.<BR>The study found: i) Spaces in house often described conflicts in literary works are grandparents' room, public room and entrance. However, their resolutions are described at grandparents' room, garden and dining room. ii) Activities before conflicting situations happen are moving process in house and cooking by two women together. iii) The situation of sight-less and hear-able separation of spaces strenghtens, the feeling of anxiety resulted in conflicts. Such places frequently described are public space, entrance and stairs. In contrast, the situations of resolution are visible and conflicting members standing by side. iv) And expressing the feeling of affections for grandchildren may changes the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and lessen the conflicts. These results indicate the importance of the role of grandchildren and housing designing to strengthen the roles in multigenerational family living.
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- An Analysis of Multi-generational Family Housing from the Vewpoint of Generational Conflicts and Their Resolutions by Japanese Literary Works