Persistence of Feral Populations of Brassica napus Originated from Spilled Seeds around the Kashima Seaport in Japan
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Concern has been raised about the importation and transportation of GM <I>B. napus</I>, because feral herbicide-tolerant GM <I>B. napus</I> plants have been found growing around some major seaports in Japan. We should monitor the persistence of these feral <I>B. napus</I> populations including the herbicide-tolerant GM cultivars to prevent the negative impact of GM <I>B. napus</I> on native plant communities. In this study, we examined the plant numbers and the persistence of the <I>B. napus</I> at 19 sites around the Kashima seaport in Japan once a month from July 2004 to December 2005. In the results, the plant numbers ranged from 0 to 202 depending on the sites and/or the seasons. Out of 19 sites, we observed the seed dispersals of <I>B. napus</I> plants at only four sites. Of these four sites, we finally confirmed the self-sustainment of <I>B. napus</I> populations at two sites. Many plants growing at most of the sites disappeared before flower budding due to frequent human disturbances.
Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
Matsuo Kazuhito
Biodiversity Division National Institute For Agro-environmental Sciences
Yoshimura Yasuyuki
Biodiversity Division National Institute For Agro-environmental Sciences
Mizuguti Aki
Biodiversity Division National Institute For Agro-environmental Sciences
Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences
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- Persistence of Feral Populations of Brassica napus Originated from Spilled Seeds around the Kashima Seaport in Japan