Improving diet and exercies behavior with a computer-assisted health education program
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Objective: To examine the effect of a computer-assisted health education program on the middle-aged participants' lifestyles.<BR>Methods: Fifteen middle-aged residents, who expected to change their lifestyles including weight loss, participated in a computer-assisted health education program for six months. In the program, participants set a goal and a few detailed monthly plans and implemented them with the support of dietitians. Items for evaluation were each participant's physical activity, eating habits and body weight at the baseline and 6months, the number of diary records made by the participants, and support of the dietitians. In addition, participants and dietitians answered a questionnaire about attainment of the goals, program usability and their impression of the program.<BR>Results: Fourteen participants completed the study. After the program, the total duration of vigorousband moderate physical activity and the frequency of walking more than 10 minutes significantly increased. The eating frequency of simmered and steamed food also significantly increased, while the eating frequency of deep-fried and stir-fried food significantly decreased. The accomplishers (who accomplished their goals) lost more weight, utilized program functions and their dietitians spent more time supporting them than non-accomplishers. Dietitians indicated a favorable impression for this program, but also reported that assessing each participant's reaction was difficult.<BR>Conclusion: The computer-assisted health education program led to improve the middle-aged participants' lifestyles. Continuous and active use of the program functions and the dietitians' support could be necessary to achieve the participants' goals.
江崎 治
江崎 治
饗場 直美
廣田 晃一
中出 麻紀子
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- Improving diet and exercies behavior with a computer-assisted health education program