- 論文の詳細を見る
The Romanian Society of Geographers has a long history, having been established in Bucharest, Romania in 1875. The Department of Geography at the University of Bucharest was started in 1900, followed shortly after by the Department of Geography at Iaşi University (1904), and the Department of Geography at Cluj University (1919). In Romania, the Institute of Geography at the Academy of Romania has played an important role in geography since the early 20th century. The Institute of Geography was involved in editing major publications during the socialist regime, e.g. Atlas of Romania, Monography of Romania, Encyclopedia of Romania etc. Under the socialist regime, geographers experienced much hardship. The slogan of this period was “humans can change nature.” Even during the most difficult period, S. Mehedizin (1868-1962) and V. Mihailescu (1890-1978) were able to publish works on physical geography and topo-climatology. After the revolution in 1989, the fields of human geography and physical geography developed quickly in Romania, like those in western countries, although modeling studies lacked access to large-capacity computers for analysis.
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