石灰岩地域の土壌とその生成環境 : ユーゴスラビア・アドリア海岸,秋吉台,平尾台を例に
- 論文の詳細を見る
The Mediterranian red soil along the Adriatic coastal region and the soil of the Karst region of the western Japan were studied by making chemical analysis. Japanese samples are lower in pH(H_2O, KCl) than Yugoslav samples, and the pH decreases in lower layers. The degree of the soil color is decided by the quantity of free Fe and C. At the same Hue, the degree of value/chroma follows the quantity of free Fe and C. In Yugoslavia, the degree of red soil color increases in the southern area of Zadar in comparision to the nothern area. We could not find the clear relation of the distribution of the soil color with the annual precipitation, annual temperature, accumulated temperature over 10℃, or Lang's rain factor R=P/T. But, it shows clear relation to the moisture Index (Im) and water defficiency (d) defined by Thornthwaite (1948). The quantity of free Fe has good relation with Im and d. For constant Im, the quantity of free Fe decreases with the increasing d. So, we can also see from the Fig. 5. At fixed d, we can have different values of free Fe, but for different Im. We see that for fixed d, the quantity free Fe decreases with the increasing Im. But, the method cannot be applicable in Japan, because d is zero almost all over Japan. In the lowest layer, Ca/CEC(%) and pH(H_2O) of Yugoslav samples are higher than Japanese samples. They have good relation with annual precipitation. If the precipitation is lower, Ca/CEC(%) and pH(H_2O) are higher. In the lowest layer, Ca+Mg/CEC(%) of Yugoslav samples are also higher than Japanese samples. Ca+Mg/CEC(%) is decided by annual precipitation and Im. In Yugoslav samples, for constant annual precipitation, Im decreases with the increasing Ca+Mg/CEC(%). Again, we see that for constant Im, Ca+Mg/CEC(%) decreases with the decrease of annual precipitation.
- 日本ペドロジー学会の論文
- 1974-12-30
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