- 論文の詳細を見る
This study examines the characteristics of geography in Austria, focusing on research and education at geographical institutes of universities. Geographical studies in Austria have developed within the framework of those studies in German-speaking countries. Some Austrian geographers contributed to the development of geography globally. Conversely, there have been many studies on the regional geography of the Alps, Vienna, and Eastern Europe on various regional scales, based on the geographical position of the country. Cartography has also been recognized as an important subject in geographical research, along with the publication of atlases. Education on geography at universities has changed remarkably due to the Bologna-Process. The creation of bachelor courses has caused some problems, such as an increasing number of undergraduate students, decreasing number of graduate students, and increasing educational load on professors. It will be an important task for geography staff in Austrian universities to keep a balance between research and education.
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- オーストリアにおけるヴィシェグラード諸国住民の観光行動の変化
- 日本における観光地理学の研究動向
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- 序:世界の地理学 ―2013年京都国際地理学会議に向けて―
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- オーストリアの地理学
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