Relief Activities for Tohoku Earthquake Victims and Community Rebuilding by the NPO Folder
- 論文の詳細を見る
Folder, an NPO, has played an active role in disaster relief activities since enormous earthquakes and tsunami hit the coast of Eastern Japan on March 11, 2011. The purpose of this report is to examine how Folder has contributed to community reconstruction on the coast of Iwate prefecture, and to show how sports clubs can take an active role in community-based activities. This report includes a chronological list of Folder’ s relief actions and participation in local events such as needs-based supply delivery, volunteering coordination, and hosting inspirational events for the survivors. As a leading community-sports club of Japan, Folder has gained recognition from the community by networking with and acting as gatekeepers between survivors and those who wish to help with disaster relief.
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- Relief Activities for Tohoku Earthquake Victims and Community Rebuilding by the NPO Folder
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