野鳥生態写真の先駆者 下村兼史資料の整理保存
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Kenji Shimomura (1903-1967) devoted his entire life to nature photography, with the main emphasis on wild birds, and was the first professional wildlife photographer in Japan. By recording birds on camera as seen in nature, he contributed greatly to the advancement of field ornithology. After his death, most of his lifetime photographic materials were donated to the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology. Extensive efforts were made to conserve the materials, carefully placing each of the photographic items (dry plates, negatives, prints, etc.) into acid-free envelopes and storing these in acid-free boxes, then finally housing the boxes in a moisture-controlled dry cabinet. A total of 10,386 photo-related items were catalogued, consisting of 975 dry plates, 3,117 black and white negatives, 983 color negatives and positives, 4,215 prints including 14 in color, 679 movie strips, and 417 miscellaneous items. When 918 non-photographic materials such as manuscripts and paper clippings are included, the entire collection comprises 11,304 items. Data of the items in the collections has been stored on a computer database, and are also available in a concise format in Appendix 1 (the attached CD). The overall results of this report can be reviewed on the website of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology (URL: http://yamashina.or.jp/hp/hyohon_tosho/shimomura_kenji/k_index.html).
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