投球障害肩の手術成績<BR>-腱板損傷に対する関節内 patch graft 法について-
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<B>Background:</B> Based on experimental study, the polyglycolic acid sheet (PGA sheet) was the most suitable material for the regeneration of the soft tissues of the shoulder joint. We clinically used the PGA sheet for the regeneration of the articular site rotator cuff tears in cases of throwing shoulder injuries. We developed the procedure of the articular site patch graft with the PGA sheet.<BR><B>Methods:</B> We treated 24 throwing shoulder injury cases operatively, 19 male and 5 female, 20 right and 4 left side, all dominant side. The average age was 23.5 years old. We performed arthroscopic SLAP repair for all cases. For the articular site rotator cuff tear, we performed arthroscopic repair in 17 cases (ARCR group) and arthroscopic articular site patch graft in 7 cases (APG group). We evaluated the clinical results using JSS Shoulder Sports Score. We evaluated the MRI findings using Spielmann's criteria.<BR><B>Results:</B> The average JSS Shoulder Sports Score improved from 33.5 points to 71.1 points postoperatively in ARCR group and from 34.5 points to 82.3 points postoperatively in APG group. Three cases (17.6%) in ARCR group reduced their sports activity, but all cases in APG group returned to the original level. The external rotation at 90 degree abducted position was limited in ARCR group, however not limited, and the same as before surgery, in APG group. MRI findings showed the better results in the APG group compared with ARCR group.<BR><B>Discussion and Conclusion:</B> There were few reports of the clinical usage of biomaterials for the regeneration of a rotator cuff tear. We applied the PGA sheet for the purpose of the regeneration of the rotator cuff tear in throwing shoulder injuries. The clinical results were preferable.
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