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<B>Background:</B> We investigated the re-tear rate of rotator cuff tears after ARCR, especially massive and large rotator cuff tears. 150 shoulders that had undergone ARCR were investigated regarding the preoperative tear size, repair methods, and re-tear rate.<BR><B>Methods:</B> From October, 2007 to December, 2010, in old Wakamatsu Municipal Hospital, 150 shoulders that had undergone ARCR (125 shoulders using dual row (DR) method, 25 shoulders using bridging suture (BS) method) were investigated regarding the preoperative tear size, re-tear rate 6 months after operation, and operative findings for the re-tear group and non-re-tear group of BS group, back out of lateral anchor and problems of suture technique.<BR><B>Results:</B> The re-tear rate 6 months after operation was 31% in large and massive tears in DR group and was 36.4% in BS group. Incomplete back out of lateral anchor was found in 5 out of 11 cases of massive tears.<BR><B>Conclusion:</B> We discussed how we should do the bridging suture technique.
原口 和史
朝倉 透
大江 健二郎
進 訓央
済生会八幡総合病院 整形外科
松浦 恒明
済生会八幡総合病院 整形外科
進 訓央
朝倉 透
朝倉医師会病院 整形外科
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