- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, the pulled out strength of mortise and tenon joint, which is a Japanese traditional timber connection, were investigated, in order to find out an influence that strength by a width of a tenon and a position of a mortice. Specimens had 3 types of a tenon, which had a 30mm, 45mm or 60mm width, and 3 types of position, which was 30mm, 52.5mm, or 75mm depth. As a result of experiments, a komisen-dowel was broken in a mortise of 52.5mm depth type, many tenons were broken by shearing in mortises of 75mm depth, and a type of 30mm depth were frequently split off at a mortise. And then, the stiffness and strength were evaluated by mechanical models. The stiffness was similar to a secant stiffness of 0.7 P<font size="-1">max</font>, and the strength calculated as a yield load was mostly evaluated on a safety side.
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