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While the Basic Law for Establishing a Recycling-Based Society is already enforced, wide-area transportation of industrial waste is increasing on a yearly basis. The authors previously analyzed the yearly trends in wide-area industrial waste transportation and discussed possibilities for reduction of waste transportation in terms of ton-kilometers. However, industrial wastes are generated in the early stages of the production process when the final consumption demand of goods and services is considered. Therefore, it is important to ascertain not only the wide-area transportation network but also the entire process comprising goods and wastes, including the supply and demand of goods and services. In this study, an analysis was performed to clarify the causes of changes in induced wide-area waste generation and transportation. Triangulation analysis was also attempted to clarify structural changes in transactions of goods and wastes. The analysis revealed that i) changes in inverse matrix coefficients contribute to decreases in wide-area waste transportation, while changes in carrying out coefficients and direct waste generation coefficients contribute to increases in wide-area waste transportation, ii) Kinki and Chugoku regions showed different causes of changes in terms of regions and wastes, and iii) ratio of the current wide-area transportation ton-kilometers to a minimum value increases waste plastics, dust and wood wastes, and is useful as an indicator for management of wide-area industrial waste transportation.JEL Classification: R15, Q53
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