環境低負荷な地域社会形成 : 水素利用による有機廃棄物の地域資源化を通して(大会報告論文:システムの公共性を考える)
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This study is conceiving of formation of society with little load to earth environment. The technology of using hydrogen is one of the technology with little load at earth environment. The technology of manufacturing hydrogen is applicable to disassembly of an organic waste. One of the environmental problems is brought about by abandonment of an organic matter. Incineration of waste generates the dioxin which pollutes environment. The manufacture technology of hydrogen is technology which disassembles an organic waste. Disassembly of an organic waste converts the processing method of the waste of incineration, loss in quantity, and reclamation into a new method. This method is a social system which uses the technology of manufacturing hydrogen, on a scale of a city. The conventional social system has been built by the energy system by carbon circulation. A new social system builds the energy system in hydrogen circulation. The energy system in hydrogen circulation is begun from stopping incineration of the organic matter which caused environmental pollution, and building the institution disassembled into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This institution is called circulating point of cascade recycling. The society with little load to earth environment can form an organic waste, the biomass, and natural energy by connecting with hydrogen. We call this method Human Act Absorbable System.
- 社会・経済システム学会の論文
- 2004-10-30
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