- 論文の詳細を見る
This study deals with automation of metal hammering forming on the basis of CAD data by use of a linear motor. The metal hammering is one of traditional handicrafts. An objective shape is pulled into shape as integration of discrete deformations on each hammered part. In order to automate the metal hammering working that has been operated by human handwork conventionally, following approaches are adopted in the study. To improve these workings with numerical control, the tool path is generated on the basis of CAD data. To imitate skilled human worker's hammering, the hammering mechanism by using of a linear motor is developed. Linear motor can perform linear motion with smooth arbitrary acceleration and precise position control and hammer motion. Hammering motion of the liner motor is controlled by the internal model control method and optimal control method. From the experimental result, the developed system is realized to have enough ability to form various shape of workpieces and the linear motor hammering improve the formability of the system.
田中 秀岳
浅川 直紀
浅川 直紀
田中 秀岳
近藤 祐太
中 宗一郎
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