Effect of methylcobalamin on the autonomic nerve lesions in the spontaneously diabetic BB rat - Ultrastructural and morphometric study.
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The effect of methylcobalamin on the autonomic nerve structure in the spontaneously diabetic BB rat was studied electron microscopically with quantitative analysis. The diabetic BB rats were divided into two groups, one of which was treated with daily intramuscular injection of methylcobalamin (500 μg/kg) for 8 wk from the third month after the onset of diabetes, and the other was treated with saline for the same duration. Age- and sexmatched normal Wistar rats served as normal controls. Blood glucose levels of the diabetic rats were maintained at more than 300 mg/dl throughout the observation period in both groups, but the body weight of the treated group significantly increased in comparison with no increase in the nontreated group.Electron microscopically, axonal degenerative structures exemplified as Schwann cell ingrowth, membranous profiles, and type 2 fibers, were significantly reduced in the treated group.Axonal dystrophic changes, the most representative structural hallmark of diabetic autonomic neuropathy, were also reduced in number in the treated group although it was insignificant when compared with non-treated group.Morphometric analysis revealed near normalization of unmyelinated nerve fiber density, fiber number, and mean fiber size in the treated group.The histogram of fiber caliber spectrum displayed a significant shift to the left in the non-treated group, while that of the treated group remained as almost normal with a significant rise in the population of small fibers. Thus, eight-week treatment with methylcobalamin on the diabetic BB rat showed a beneficial effect on the autonomic nerve morphology and therefore it was suggested that this treatment regimen can be applicable to clinical use.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
八木橋 操六
井戸 康夫
井戸 康夫
SIMA Anders
Section of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, Manitoba University, Faculty of Medicine
八木橋 操六
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