- 論文の詳細を見る
We evaluated the effects of SCP bathing on the body by compared with those of a-EG, one of major component of SCP, bathing and the control bathing with tap water alone. Healthy adults were used as the subjects. The effects of bathing on blood pressure and pulse rate were not significantly different among the three bathings, indicating that effects of SCP and α-EG bathing on the lung and heart were similar to those of an ordinary bathing. The surface skin temperature at the forehead decreased more slowly in the subjects after taking a SCP bathing than the other two, suggesting that SCP has temperature holding effects. Also, the results of deep body temperature suggested that α-EG might be related to the heat absorbing effects of SCP bathing, which were significantly marked than those of the other two bathings. The present results regarding the changes in blood flow and deep body temperature during bathing suggest that SCP might produce an environment that allows more rapid heat transfer from bath water to the body and less releasing it from the body. Therefore, we concluded that some component other than α-ethylglucoside would be involved in the heat transfer and moisturizing during SCP bathing. Measurement of skin water content indicated that a region directly contacting with hot water was moisturized in a short time, but this condition quickly returned to the pre-bath condition. Whereas, for regions not contacting with bath water, the skin was much more moisturized by taking SCP bath than the other two bathings. Therefore, it was concluded that SCP is effective for enhancement of skin moisturizing.
前田 真治
国際医療福祉大学 保健学部理学療法学科
杉田 淳
齋藤 雅人
カネボウ (株) ビューティケア研究所 R & D統括室
萩原 摩里
カネボウ (株) ビューティケア研究所 R & D統括室
池本 毅
萩原 摩里
カネボウ (株) ビューティケア研究所 R & D統括室
前田 真治
齋藤 雅人
カネボウ (株) ビューティケア研究所
齋藤 雅人
カネボウ (株) ビューティケア研究所 R & D統括室
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